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wasn’t disarming her.

  He went about untying her as though it was no big deal.

  Once free, Samantha ran towards me and I almost screamed but she just reached down and picked her weapon off the floor at my feet. Then she walked over and untied her fellow Skeptic.

  She turned on Rick. “I’d drop your weapon if I were you.”

  “Well you’re not me, so shut the fuck up.”

  She just smiled and ignored him. She walked over to the young man who’d untied her and took the EMP from him. She kissed him on the mouth and said, “Thanks sweetheart.”

  He grinned like a lovesick lunatic until she raised her weapon to him.

  The look on his face was priceless, but it must have softened Samantha’s virtual heart because she lowered the gun and told her comrade to tie him up instead.

  She said by way of an explanation, “I used you and now I have no more use for you. I don’t expect you to understand but I hope you appreciate that I spared your life.”

  I was hoping he’d yell out, fuck you, or call her a heartless bitch, but instead he started to cry into his own chest.

  Samantha sat him down gently in a crew members chair as he mumbled something or other to himself, and then she turned to face us again.

  She tossed the EMP in the air and caught it. “I’m willing to die for my cause, are you?”

  “Prove it,” said Rick, but Peggy said, “Shut up dude. She’s got us dead to rights.”

  Rick said, “Alright lady, what the hell do you want?”

  “I want you to drop your weapons. If you’re lucky, I’ll let you leave right before I turn off the quantum receiver, ensuring you never get to return to this ship in one of those suits.”

  “No, stupid,” Peggy said. What do you want?”

  “Ultimately, I want this ship.”


  “If I tell you, I can never let you escape with your life. Are you sure you want me to answer?”

  “Nah, I don’t care.”

  “That’s what I thought. Now drop your weapons, you too Jack and Billy - I see you over there.”

  I dropped my weapon first which wouldn’t have been embarrassing except that right after I did, Rick said, “You’ll have to pry it out of my cold dead hands.

  I silently and slowly bent down and retrieved it. Samantha saw me and smiled wryly.

  Before anything else could go wrong, everything went wrong. The ship’s lights went out and the gravity generator started acting wonky. I floated just a little bit off the ground and then I was slammed down so hard I almost crumpled to the floor.

  What the hell was going on?

  One of the flight crew sat at her console and took a look around outside.

  Against the backdrop of planet, Scum Earth was a small, odd looking space craft. It looked alien in design.

  Everyone forgot about the Skeptics and the EMP device. This was a game changer.

  The first mate yelled, "All hands on deck. Prepare for attack."

  The End

  For more by Adam Moon, check out:


  Ace 2 is here:

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