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Bad Jack ((Ascension: Book 1)) Page 18

  Jack huffed, “I’m still not totally convinced. Now just so we’re clear, we’re actually talking about the Christian belief system as though everything in the bible is true. We’re dealing with this as fact?”

  Oliver said, “The bible is far from accurate. Some believe it’s intentionally misleading to keep us from ever understanding the truth. What we’re trying to deal with is a structured set of principles that were around before mankind. We have learned to follow certain rituals, or rules, in order to make sense out of the chaos.”

  “So you’re saying that a ritual isn’t hocus pocus, it’s the equivalent of an equation or a code?”

  “That’s almost right. Rituals were put into place to dissuade people from accidentally unlocking the hidden forces. It’s like a password on a computer.”

  Jack inhaled deeply and sat back, cueing Oliver to continue.

  “I’ll start from the beginning. Now before I start, you need to know that I don’t know everything, just more than anyone else and that’s still not much.”

  Jack nodded impatiently for him to get on with it.

  “I’ve always been interested in esoteric studies regarding religion and whatnot. I even taught a class at my home with a few promising students. Well, about a year ago I felt a powerful presence beckon for me. No sooner had I felt it than a man named Humbug or something came to offer me a job.”

  Jack interjected, “His name’s Humboldt.”

  Oliver shrugged that he didn’t care and went on, “When I arrived and saw the boy imprisoned in his room and the couple of weird creatures he’d conjured, I was confused. I admit I’d expected more. I didn’t understand any of it. I needed to find out more because the child wasn’t telling me a damn thing, he still doesn’t. So I start to dig through some of the boxes of belongings that were brought here from his home and I stumble upon the recording. I watched it and I recognized most of the symbols that I could make out on the film and it occurred to me that it was a very specific ritual that was taking place. The woman on the tapes name was Maria, do you remember that?”

  Jack shrugged and put on his innocent face. He wasn’t sure she’d actually mentioned her name at the time.

  “It doesn’t matter. During the ritual she embraced the burden of bringing the messiah into the world. I think she didn’t know what she was getting herself into as is evident from her abandoning him later on when things got strange. But the symbols are all there on the tape and the proper bible became a part of the sex act which is a must. I’m guessing she didn’t let you in on what she was up to because the seeder must be without foreknowledge in order for it to work; it’s essential. These are all parts of the ritual. This much I know. I just don’t know how she did it. The ritual has been attempted and it always fails. It was considered incomplete or partially lost to the ages until now. I don’t know where she got her knowledge from but it far surpasses my own. It all started to make sense. The little boy was the messiah. And when I started to see some of the miraculous things he could do I just knew it was true. I felt the child compel me to bring in Melanie. By then this facility had changed its rules to only allow people with no real ties onboard so Melanie turned out to be a perfect fit. Unfortunately, being an Airman doesn’t get you access into this particular warehouse so I got her as close as I could until you came along. Then I was able to insist she got access in order to guard you.”

  Melanie said, “They only let jarheads back here as guards,” and then she realized she’d temporarily stalled Oliver’s story with trivialities so she folded her arms and sat back.

  “I hadn’t seen Melanie since her college days. I was her theology professor at UW Madison and she showed up for some of the extracurricular classes I taught at my home. She’s been like a daughter to me. When she enlisted I thought my heart might break. Now it all makes sense. It’s what got her in here. She was destined from the start as you were. Me too it turns out. You see, Maria was supposed to help Jessie become the messiah. She was supposed to embody the lord when his powers allowed it. When she left him and he was quarantined, a new set of conditions took effect. Because you are his blood too, you can also embody the Lord, if you so choose. I had worried we’d never find Maria because no father is listed on Jessie’s birth certificate, but it appears all is right with the world once more.” Jack chuckled against his control which caused Oliver to stall. He quickly continued, “I can’t tell if Jessie’s conscious of what’s happening or if he knows he’s the messiah. I’ve tried to talk to him about it but I just get blank stares. Whatever is compelling us to help him is very strategic though.”

  Jack asked, “If this is true, if you’re getting orders from Jessie or from some other source, why haven’t I received the same messages? It sure would make some of this easier to swallow.”

  “I’m puzzled by it too. So far I’m the only one to be given specific instructions. Others have felt the presence and even gleaned some meaning from it. When he called out for you I know others must have heard it too just because of the strength of the yearning but you are far more important to the success of the mission than any of us so why isn’t he communing with you? Maybe you just aren’t listening hard enough.”

  Jack thought about it for a second. He was playing devils advocate. “Maybe I don’t need to. Maybe he’s not sending me messages because he doesn’t need to. He spoke to me in person this morning and it wasn’t just about video games or food. He said that tomorrow I would become a killer.” Jack said it by way of answering a question, not to help further Oliver’s delusions.

  Oliver jumped up. “Shit, tomorrow? It’s happening already? Jack we need to get you debriefed right fucking now.”

  He looked part madman part excitable teenager, neither of which suited him.

  “Melanie, take over, I need to make sure Collins doesn’t stumble upon us.”

  She was about to protest when Oliver rushed out the door.

  Jack sat back in his seat, waiting for her to pick up where Oliver had left off.

  She cleared her throat. “It’s pretty cool that Jessie spoke to you in person about this.”

  Even though he hadn’t interrupted Oliver’s speech he was mad at Melanie. He said sarcastically, “I guess it was pretty cool Melanie. You know what’s not so cool is the fact that you’ve been using me like a fucking puppet.”

  She stammered, “It’s not like that Jack. Honestly. We thought we had more time to ease you into your role. It was hard enough for Oliver and me to believe any of this and we know a thing or two about religious rites. You’re a professed atheist. Your walls are thicker and higher. We assumed it would take awhile for you to get your head around it.”

  “Well I’m ready to listen now. You called me The Embodiment and I’m pretty sure I heard someone call Jessie The Catalyst, so what does that make you? The Manipulator? Is Oliver the Fat Old Fuck? Do we all get cool codenames?”

  Melanie breathed in deeply through her nose. “I called you the Embodiment because Oliver gave you that title. It’s the only way he could wrap his head around your role in all of this. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone call Jessie a catalyst. And I most certainly did not manipulate you. There are important things to get to so stop trying to pick a fight with me.”

  Jack smirked but he knew she was right. “So I’m supposed to embody God then? What if I refuse?”

  “Jack, it’s completely acceptable for you to refuse to allow the lord into your heart. But only you can do so. We have to at least give you the opportunity to say no and we can’t do that in here. We need to get Jessie somewhere safe.”

  “I told you we wouldn’t make it ten feet and I still think that’s true.”

  “And I told you that we have people in place to help us. We have Oliver down here, you upstairs and now I can go between both levels. We have at least four people waiting for us to make our move. We can make it.”

  “And then what, we wait for Jessie to summon God or for him to make a phone call to heaven? What then?”
br />   “We don’t know exactly when he’ll open the door for the Lord but it looks like it’s happening sooner rather than later.”

  Jack furrowed his eyebrows. “Why the fuck do you keep correcting me when I say God? You keep following it up with ‘the Lord’. What’s the fucking difference?”

  Melanie gulped and then teared up. “Jack, we don’t want God to come to earth. Hasn’t he done enough damage? Hasn’t he hurt us all enough? I would do anything to stop that bastard from interfering. We’re trying to bring a caring God to earth. The current one doesn’t give a shit but our replacement God is compassionate. He cares about you and me as individuals.”

  She looked deep into his eyes to see how he was taking it.

  He said angrily, “So you mean the devil then? Great, just fucking great. I finally fall for someone and she wants to turn my soul over to the devil. Why didn’t I see this coming?” He felt foolish for saying the last part but that was how he felt.

  “It’s not the devil, there’s no such thing. It’s an angel; the grandest of them all. He’s the bringer of light. He’ll turn earth back into the Garden of Eden. His name is Lucifer.”

  Jack snorted. “What’s the difference? Lucifer’s just another name for the devil.”

  “No. Lucifer was thrust into hell for questioning God’s will. He’s suffered the agonies of torture for an eternity just for disagreeing with his boss. He does not rule hell, God rules hell. And God rules this hell on earth too. Don’t you think it’s time to let someone else have a shot at running things? And if you had to chose someone wouldn’t you want it to be the greatest angel there ever was?”

  Jack laughed out loud. “Listen, God, the devil, Lucifer, angels, I don’t give a shit, I still don’t buy it.” But he did. He knew in his heart that she was telling him the truth. For the second time today he wished he knew more about the bible. He also felt sickened that he was taking this so well. He’d missed about a dozen cues to just stand up and walk away from this madness but here he sat, waiting for more.

  “You’ll see. It’s all true. I haven’t told a single lie to you. If you don’t want to go through with it that will be your choice. Just know that I will love you no matter what you do.”

  The word ‘love’ brought him back. “So when my consciousness is completely gone and Lucifer’s behind the wheel, you’ll love him not me, right? Because Jack Mayberry will be gone if what you’re saying is true.”

  “That’s not how it works. Lucifer just sort of tags along. You’ll be his mortal link to this world. He’ll dwell inside you. He can perform miracles and act on his own so long as you two have the connection but you’ll still be you.”

  Jack didn’t want to talk about this anymore. “What happens to Jessie if this works?”

  “I suppose his dreams will stop manifesting themselves.”

  “I meant are you guys going to eliminate him when he’s no longer useful, or will Lucifer do it for you?”

  Melanie was aghast. She looked deeply hurt, insulted. “How dare you say that? We’re not evil. God is evil. All we’re trying to do is stop God. Even the Constitution says that if you don’t like your government, if it’s abusing its power or not using it properly, you have the right to overthrow it and institute a new one. That’s essentially what we’re doing.”

  “I don’t think that’s anywhere in the bible.”

  “Not the ones you’ve read.”

  He shook his head, trying to reboot his brain, knowing it was on the verge of crashing. “So is Jessie the antichrist or is that my role?”

  “No, just about everyone on this planet is the antichrist. All the word means is that you aren’t Christ like. It’s the very definition. I’d bet there has only been one person throughout history who could claim to not be the antichrist and that was Christ himself.”

  “Jesus was a good dude and he was on God’s team. What’s so wrong with God if he gave us Jesus?”

  “I would agree but don’t forget what God did to Jesus; the greatest man to walk the earth.”

  He nodded but he wasn’t sure what she meant. Maybe she meant it was God’s fault he was tortured to death.

  He stood up and paced back and forth. “Was Oliver going to tell me any of this or did you jump the gun?”

  “Oliver would have done it right. He’s probably been wording it just right since the moment he found out about you. I’m sorry if I jumped into it too fast. I know it’s a lot to handle.”

  “It’s fine. I wanted to know what the hell was going on. I guess I’m grateful for it.” He wasn’t sure that was correct but it sounded right. At least he knew what was going on behind his back now.

  She stood and embraced him. He’d have thrown her to the floor like a jerk but he couldn’t bring himself to harm her. He kissed her and she kissed back.

  He pulled back. “Jessie said I’ll kill people tomorrow, do you think that might happen?”

  “I’m afraid so. If he said it then it’s probably true.”

  “You don’t know me that well then. I couldn’t hurt a fly.”

  “Ten minutes ago you didn’t believe in angels either.”

  “I still don’t.”

  She hugged him tight and he was glad for the human contact. His brain needed a break from rationalizing the irrational.

  Oliver arrived out of breath. He looked at Melanie pointedly and she nodded, meaning she’d told Jack everything. He said, “Jack, let’s see if Jessie will talk to you again. I think the time for action’s upon us.”

  During the short walk to Jessie’s room Oliver asked, “Are you certain you’re ok with this?”

  Jack snorted. “Of course I’m not certain. I’m not even sure I believe it.”

  “You will.”

  Chapter 57: Father and the Son

  The three of them went into Jessie’s room together. The boy was playing video games, ignoring them completely. Oliver switched the TV off and Jessie looked at him incredulously. Oliver spoke in a low grandfatherly voice, “Jessie, I need you to tell Jack everything he needs to know about what’s coming.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I know you won’t talk to me and that’s fine but Jack needs to know what to do.”

  Jack interrupted, “Leave us alone for a minute.”

  Oliver took Melanie by the hand like she was his own daughter and led her out of the room without a word.

  Jack sat on the bed and tried to think where to start. He wasn’t good in critical situations or with uncomfortable conversations so he just got right to it. “Jessie, it turns out I’m your real dad.”

  The boy was skeptical. It showed all over his face.

  “They ran a blood test and it’s true. I didn’t know or I would’ve come to see you sooner.” Jack wasn’t sure this was true but maybe.

  “It explains why you keep dreaming about your father coming for you.” This perked Jessie up. “It’s why I’m going to get you out of here.” Shit, that sounded like a promise. The kid would hold him to it. He needed to shut up before he wrote a check with his mouth that his ass couldn’t cash. “I promise.” Damn it.

  “Do you know where my mom is?”

  Jack shook his head. “Did you call for me? Oliver thinks you summoned me here.”

  Now Jessie shook his head. Jack looked for deception but he didn’t see any.

  Then the boy said, “Maybe I did but I don’t remember. A lot of stuff happens to me when I go to sleep that’s pretty weird.”

  Jack suddenly realized their conversation had taken a mutinous turn. If anyone else found out what they were talking about it was Jack’s ass. He whispered conspiratorially, “Make sure to keep our conversations a secret especially from Doctor Collins and the security guards.”

  Jessie nodded. “By tomorrow it won’t matter but I promise.”

  Jack’s anger flared briefly. He was about to tell Jessie again that he was not going to kill anyone tomorrow but it was a pointless waste of breath. He would see so in twenty four hours.

nbsp; He had the overwhelming urge to check Jessie for the mark of the beast. Then the child teared up and he felt foolish.

  “Don’t be mad at me.”

  “I’m not buddy.”

  Jessie looked up at him. “It’s funny, I’ve been dreaming about my dad and then you showed up.”

  Jack didn’t see the humor.

  “In my dreams my dad looks a lot like you too but he’s different.”

  Jessie seemed to drift off into his own thoughts. Jack urged him on. “How’s the dream version different?”

  “You have wings in my dreams.”

  Jack sighed. “Listen pal, I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow but I’ll do my best to get you out of here, alright?”

  He ruffled the boy’s hair. It seemed like something a dad might do.

  Chapter 58: God isn’t home, leave a message

  Oliver and Melanie were waiting for him in the monitoring room.

  He took a seat at the break table and they followed suit.

  He explained, “The boy doesn’t know anything. He just knows that strange things are happening to him.”

  Oliver said, “I’m not surprised. I think our angel might be acting through him, influencing things in this world.”

  Jack shook his head.

  He was actually having a conversation about angels like they really existed. “So the boy’s just a tool then? Like me?”

  “Your words, not mine Jack. I prefer to use the word instrument.”

  “Fucking semantics Oliver. You know what I mean.”

  “Don’t be nervous about your role in this Jack. Our lord is kind and just. You’ll be taken care of. We all will.”

  “And what about the rest of the world? How will Lucifer deal with them?”

  “With far more compassion and understanding than the current, aloof God.

  Melanie chimed in, “God doesn’t deserve for you to stick up for him Jack. He wouldn’t do the same for you. He hasn’t caused the atrocities among man but he has the power to stop them and he chooses not to. It’s the same thing if you think about it.”